Thank you note by my clients via emails

It's very fulfilling, encouraging when I receive nice feed by my clients post sessions.
I stopped taking young generation, but I received a kind message a year later from one of my successful cases with a young client in his 20's. He mentioned that meeting me was a highlight of his trip to Japan last year, hoping to experience me again, if he gets a chance in the future.
It's so blessing, encouraging when I receive this kind of message. Thank you so much for getting connected with me
I have a few clients that has a couple of years of repeat. Whenever he gets a chance for business trip to Tokyo, automatically thinks of booking me, as well.😊 I'm so grateful, they keep supporting me from I was more of fat, fatt assed,
larger tits, volumey mature woman. I can't thank you more than enough!
I have a great supportive fan that come and meet me, whenever he gets a chance to come near Tokyo. It is very encouraging to receive such praises to keep me ongoing!! This job can be very quiet for certain time, and I don't do much of other job at the moment, that it is such a great feed when I read those messages. Thank you for your support, always!
It's so nice to hear when I meet my client and they say they found my ad from overseas. By my art of creating such ad, can magikally reach out decent people, connection. I am so grateful for each encounter!
And so much more. I'm so grateful for my fans. It's nice to have someone coming back in contact, but I do recall of good times with some reapeat who I lost in touch. Wishing you best!
Hope you enjoyed reading, sharing my feed that I received would be encouraging to make you feel safe to contact me, whilst you're in Tokyo!!!
Thank you for your attention. Hope to meet you soon!!!
much love,